Czech scientists develop a special 'anti-COVID' paper that kills bacteria and viruses

Czech scientists have invented a paper that kills coronavirus'
The special "anticovid" paper, infused with zinc and silver, could be used in hospitals or in the production of bank notes

Czech scientists develop a special 'anti-COVID' paper that kills bacteria and viruses
Inquiries about the "anti-COVID" paper are already registered from Russia, Germany, or China
Czech researchers have developed a new type of paper that kills bacteria, viruses, and yeast, and represents a new type of technology not previously used by paper manufacturers.
According to scientists from the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, a new manufacturing process improves the quality of a product they called "anti-COVID paper", as it effectively destroys a new type of coronavirus. The use of this paper may reduce the risk of infections in the future when handling banknotes, securities, and various documents.

The Czech Republic has invented a paper that destroys the coronavirus
According to the Czech Academy of Sciences, people will be able to use antique paper for normal office work, including various printing methods.

In the Czech Republic, a paper was invented that destroys bacteria and viruses that enter its surface, including particles of coronavirus, reported by the Czech agency ČTK. Scientists hope that their invention can be used in the manufacture of banknotes and documents.

The paper is impregnated with special chemicals with zinc and silver nanoparticles. They kill viruses, bacteria and yeast, but remain safe for human skin. "Within one minute, 99% of microbes disappear from its surface, " said one of the developers, Jiri Sobek. According to him, the development was carried out for several years. “The main function that begins to kill bacteria and viruses after contact is twofold. The bacteria are killed within one minute with an efficiency of over 99 percent. Complete inactivation occurs. For covid viruses, tests have confirmed that after 10 minutes this is about 70 percent and after 30 minutes all the covid on the surface will be inactivated, ”the scientist explained.

Thanks to additional modification, such paper can even destroy particles of a new type of coronavirus that hit its surface. And we are ready to produce from 10 to 20 thousand tons of paper,” the scientist concluded. In the near future, the Czech Republic plans to produce the first 10 tons of such paper.

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FÜR SICHERE GELDSCHEINE, FAHRKARTEN UND REZEPTE Virus-Schleuder Bargeld: Tschechische Experten präsentieren Anti-Covid-Papier
Seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie werden Kunden im Supermarkt gebeten, bevorzugt bargeldlos zu zahlen – nicht ohne Grund, denn das Coronavirus kann auf Papier bis zu 24 Stunden ansteckend bleiben. Allerdings folgen nach Angaben der Europäischen Zentralbank nur vier von zehn Menschen der Bitte, während der Pandemie Bargeld weniger oft zu benutzen. Doch schon bald muss man sich darüber vielleicht gar keinen Kopf mehr machen – ein Anti-Covid-Papier aus Tschechien könnte nämlich Abhilfe schaffen.

investigadores de la República Checa han desarrollado un nuevo tipo de papel que destruye virus
Investigadores checos han desarrollado un nuevo tipo de papel que mata bacterias, virus y levaduras. Eligieron una tecnología que fabricantes de papel similares aún no habían utilizado. Los científicos de la Academia de Ciencias de la República Checa mencionaron que el nuevo procedimiento mejora la calidad del producto, al que denominaron "papel anticovido", ya que destruye efectivamente un nuevo tipo de coronavirus. El uso de papel puede reducir el riesgo de infecciones en el futuro al manipular billetes, valores y diversos documentos

Českí výskumníci z Akadémie vied ČR vyvinuli nový typ papiera, ktorý likviduje baktérie, vírusy a kvasinky.
Nazvali ho "anticovid papier", lebo účinne ničí aj nový typ koronavírusu. Využitie papiera môže v budúcnosti znížiť riziko infekcií pri manipulácii s bankovkami, ceninami a rôznymi dokumentmi. Je vhodný aj pre archiváciu.
